. about me .

he/they or on/jego
trans, aspec and queer
polish + white
19 yo

dfi you
fit the usual dfi criteria
share terf/radfem beliefs
write genderbend, boypussy and other transphobic tropes

. the boys .

pros: one of a kind,
ultimate role model,
no one like him
cons: not enough pics of that fucking tattoo Please

mark lee
pros: he’s a very good boy
cons: have you seen him

huang renjun
pros: his whole person,
he manspreads
cons: i can’t stop thinking about him, he manspreads

. my amazing people .

yuri, sea, misza, apollo

. thank you so much for being the best and loveliest and making my life infinitely better <33 .

hello there thank you for passing by !! i hope you have a good day, and if you don’t, i hope it will be better tomorrow, or the day after, or even after that.


this was made by a funky little gremlin check me out or don’t ;)